
Change the status of an alert.


status required
Either 1 for NEW or 2 for DISMISSED.

PATCH /API/{format}/Alerts/
Curl Request Example
curl -X PATCH -d "status=Value"
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('status' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Alerts/Edit','PATCH',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"status":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.patch("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Alerts/Edit service using the API simulator.


Create a new announcement.


subject required
The subject of your announcement.

description required
The description or contents of the announcement.

show_var optional
Provide a Y to show this announcement to VAR accounts.

show_partner optional
Provide a Y to show this announcement to PARTNER accounts.

show_affiliate optional
Provide a Y to show this announcement to affiliate accounts.

email_notification required
Either a Y or N to send the announcement via email.

POST /API/{format}/Announcements/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "subject=Value&description=Value&show_var=Value&show_partner=Value&show_affiliate=Value&email_notification=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3132190">
  <announcement announcement_id="91"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('subject' => "",'description' => "",'show_var' => "",'show_partner' => "",'show_affiliate' => "",'email_notification' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Announcements/Create','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"subject":'Value',"description":'Value',"show_var":'Value',"show_partner":'Value',"show_affiliate":'Value',"email_notification":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3132190">
  <announcement announcement_id="91"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3132190"
    "announcement": {
        "@attributes": {
            "announcement_id": "91"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Announcements/Create service using the API simulator.


Delete a announcement making it no longer available for viewing.


announcement_id required
The announcement_id of the announcement you wish to delete.

DELETE /API/{format}/Announcements/
Curl Request Example
curl -X DELETE ""
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3132354">
  <announcement announcement_id="100"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('announcement_id' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Announcements/Delete','DELETE',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"announcement_id":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.delete("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3132354">
  <announcement announcement_id="100"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3132354"
    "announcement": {
        "@attributes": {
            "announcement_id": "100"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Announcements/Delete service using the API simulator.


Creates a manual debit or credit to a Cloud account under your control.


cloud_account_type required
The Cloud account type you wish to create billing transactions for.

cloud_account_number required
The Cloud account number you wish to create billing transactions for.

type required
Either 'DEBIT' or 'CREDIT'

amount required
The amount of your debit or credit in full dollar form; for example 10.00.

notes optional
Provide a more detailed description of the transaction.

POST /API/{format}/Billing/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "cloud_account_type=Value&cloud_account_number=Value&type=Value&amount=Value¬es=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123792">
  <billing billing_trans_id="43982" cloud_account_number="2502093947" cloud_account_type="VAR">
    <notes>Test credit</notes>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('cloud_account_type' => "",'cloud_account_number' => "",'type' => "",'amount' => "",'notes' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Billing/Create','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"cloud_account_type":'Value',"cloud_account_number":'Value',"type":'Value',"amount":'Value',"notes":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123792">
  <billing billing_trans_id="43982" cloud_account_number="2502093947" cloud_account_type="VAR">
    <notes>Test credit</notes>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123792"
    "billing": {
        "@attributes": {
            "billing_trans_id": "43982",
            "cloud_account_number": "2502093947",
            "cloud_account_type": "VAR"
        "type": "CREDIT",
        "amount": "100.00",
        "notes": "Test credit",
        "ending_balance": "251.00"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Billing/Create service using the API simulator.


Reverse a billing transaction on a Cloud account under your control.


cloud_account_type required
The Cloud account type you wish to search billing transactions for. To view your own account's transactions leave this blank

cloud_account_number required
The Cloud account number you wish to search billing transactions for. To view your own account's transactions leave this blank.

billing_trans_id required
The billing history transaction ID you wish to reverse.

PATCH /API/{format}/Billing/
Curl Request Example
curl -X PATCH -d "cloud_account_type=Value&cloud_account_number=Value&billing_trans_id=Value"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123793">
  <billing billing_trans_id="43982" cloud_account_number="2502093947" cloud_account_type="VAR">
Manual CREDIT issued by COREID 554777700.
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('cloud_account_type' => "",'cloud_account_number' => "",'billing_trans_id' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Billing/Reverse','PATCH',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"cloud_account_type":'Value',"cloud_account_number":'Value',"billing_trans_id":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.patch("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123793">
  <billing billing_trans_id="43982" cloud_account_number="2502093947" cloud_account_type="VAR">
Manual CREDIT issued by COREID 554777700.
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123793"
    "billing": {
        "@attributes": {
            "billing_trans_id": "43982",
            "cloud_account_number": "2502093947",
            "cloud_account_type": "VAR"
        "type": "CREDIT",
        "amount": "100.00",
        "notes": "\nManual CREDIT issued by COREID 554777700.\n",
        "ending_balance": "151.00"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Billing/Reverse service using the API simulator.


Allows a VAR, PARTNER, or AFFILIATE to add funds to their account using the controlling accounts default payment gateway.


payment_method_id required
The payment method you wish to use to reload the account.

payment_method_type required
Either 'CC' for credit card or 'BA' for bank account.

amount required
The amount you wish to reload in full dollar format.

cvv optional
The cvv or card security code from the credit or debit card. Required for credit card only.

POST /API/{format}/Billing/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "payment_method_id=Value&payment_method_type=Value&amount=Value&cvv=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3124063">
  <billing billing_trans_id="44425">
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('payment_method_id' => "",'payment_method_type' => "",'amount' => "",'cvv' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Billing/AddFunds','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"payment_method_id":'Value',"payment_method_type":'Value',"amount":'Value',"cvv":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3124063">
  <billing billing_trans_id="44425">
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3124063"
    "billing": {
        "@attributes": {
            "billing_trans_id": "44425"
        "type": "CREDIT",
        "amount": "5.00",
        "ending_balance": "657.00"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Billing/AddFunds service using the API simulator.


Create a account under your control, this can either be a VAR, PARTNER, or AFFILIATE account depending on the level of the user calling the service.


cloud_account_type required
The type of account you wish to create (CORE; VAR; PARTNER; AFFILIATE).

company_name required
The name of the compamy.

first_name required
The first name of the account holder.

last_name required
The last name of the account holder.

address1 required
The first line of the street address.

address2 optional
The second line of the street address including unit type and number.

city required
The city corresponding to the address.

state_or_province required
The state or province corresponding to the address.

zip_code required
The postal code corresponding to the street address.

country required
The country of the account holder; for example "United States".

email required
The email address of the account holder; will be used to create the initial login.

phone required
The contact telephone number of the company

spending_limit required
The daily spending limit (applies to postpaid accounts only).

funding_type required
Options are "POSTPAID" or "PREPAID".

maintenance_fee_frequency required
The frequency of the maintenance fee (valid options are "Monthly" and "Yearly").

maintenance_fee_is_minimum optional
Set to Y to deduct the wholesale spend of new orders and replenishments from the mainteance fee; for Monthly only (valid options are "Y" or "N").

maintenance_fee_amount required
The amount of the maintenance fee in full dollar amounts. For example 0.00 or 50.00.

maintenance_fee_day optional
The day of the month the maintenance fee should be charged; for Monthly only.

maintenance_fee_month optional
The month of the year the maintenance fee should be charged; for Yearly only.

per_subscriber_platform_fee optional
A fee charged for each order active within the monthly period; for Monthly only.

restricted_access required
Either Y or N. If set to Y this account will only be able to view customers accounts they created.

reload_via_card optional
Provide a 'Y' if this account can reload via credit card (prepaid accounts only).

POST /API/{format}/CloudAccount/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "cloud_account_type=Value&company_name=Value&first_name=Value&last_name=Value&address1=Value&address2=Value&city=Value&state_or_province=Value&zip_code=Value&country=Value&email=Value&phone=Value&spending_limit=Value&funding_type=Value&maintenance_fee_frequency=Value&maintenance_fee_is_minimum=Value&maintenance_fee_amount=Value&maintenance_fee_day=Value&maintenance_fee_month=Value&per_subscriber_platform_fee=Value&restricted_access=Value&reload_via_card=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123704">
  <cloud_account id="474" cloud_account_number="1819543527" account_type="VAR"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('cloud_account_type' => "",'company_name' => "",'first_name' => "",'last_name' => "",'address1' => "",'address2' => "",'city' => "",'state_or_province' => "",'zip_code' => "",'country' => "",'email' => "",'phone' => "",'spending_limit' => "",'funding_type' => "",'maintenance_fee_frequency' => "",'maintenance_fee_is_minimum' => "",'maintenance_fee_amount' => "",'maintenance_fee_day' => "",'maintenance_fee_month' => "",'per_subscriber_platform_fee' => "",'restricted_access' => "",'reload_via_card' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('CloudAccount/Create','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"cloud_account_type":'Value',"company_name":'Value',"first_name":'Value',"last_name":'Value',"address1":'Value',"address2":'Value',"city":'Value',"state_or_province":'Value',"zip_code":'Value',"country":'Value',"email":'Value',"phone":'Value',"spending_limit":'Value',"funding_type":'Value',"maintenance_fee_frequency":'Value',"maintenance_fee_is_minimum":'Value',"maintenance_fee_amount":'Value',"maintenance_fee_day":'Value',"maintenance_fee_month":'Value',"per_subscriber_platform_fee":'Value',"restricted_access":'Value',"reload_via_card":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123704">
  <cloud_account id="474" cloud_account_number="1819543527" account_type="VAR"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123704"
    "cloud_account": {
        "@attributes": {
            "id": "474",
            "cloud_account_number": "1819543527",
            "account_type": "VAR"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the CloudAccount/Create service using the API simulator.


Edit a account under your control.


cloud_account_number required
The 10 digit account number of the cloud account your editing.

cloud_account_type required
The type of account you wish to create (CORE; VAR; PARTNER; AFFILIATE).

company_name required
The name of the compamy.

first_name required
The first name of the account holder.

last_name required
The last name of the account holder.

address1 required
The first line of the street address.

address2 optional
The second line of the street address including unit type and number.

city required
The city corresponding to the address.

state_or_province required
The state or province corresponding to the address.

zip_code required
The postal code corresponding to the street address.

country required
The country of the account holder; for example "United States".

email required
The email address of the account holder; will be used to create the initial login.

phone required
The contact telephone number of the company

spending_limit required
The daily spending limit (applies to postpaid accounts only).

funding_type required
Options are "POSTPAID" or "PREPAID".

maintenance_fee_frequency required
The frequency of the maintenance fee (valid options are "Monthly" and "Yearly").

maintenance_fee_amount required
The amount of the maintenance fee in full dollar amounts. For example 0.00 or 50.00.

maintenance_fee_day optional
The day of the month the maintenance fee should be charged; for Monthly only.

maintenance_fee_month optional
The month of the year the maintenance fee should be charged; for Yearly only.

per_subscriber_platform_fee optional
A fee charged for each order active within the monthly period; for Monthly only.

restricted_access required
Either Y or N. If set to Y this account will only be able to view customers accounts they created.

reload_via_card optional
Provide a 'Y' if this account can reload via credit card (prepaid accounts only).

status required
1 for active; 2 for suspended.

PATCH /API/{format}/CloudAccount/
Curl Request Example
curl -X PATCH -d "cloud_account_number=Value&cloud_account_type=Value&company_name=Value&first_name=Value&last_name=Value&address1=Value&address2=Value&city=Value&state_or_province=Value&zip_code=Value&country=Value&email=Value&phone=Value&spending_limit=Value&funding_type=Value&maintenance_fee_frequency=Value&maintenance_fee_amount=Value&maintenance_fee_day=Value&maintenance_fee_month=Value&per_subscriber_platform_fee=Value&restricted_access=Value&reload_via_card=Value&status=Value"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123723">
  <cloud_account id="474" cloud_account_number="1819543527" account_type="VAR"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('cloud_account_number' => "",'cloud_account_type' => "",'company_name' => "",'first_name' => "",'last_name' => "",'address1' => "",'address2' => "",'city' => "",'state_or_province' => "",'zip_code' => "",'country' => "",'email' => "",'phone' => "",'spending_limit' => "",'funding_type' => "",'maintenance_fee_frequency' => "",'maintenance_fee_amount' => "",'maintenance_fee_day' => "",'maintenance_fee_month' => "",'per_subscriber_platform_fee' => "",'restricted_access' => "",'reload_via_card' => "",'status' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('CloudAccount/Edit','PATCH',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"cloud_account_number":'Value',"cloud_account_type":'Value',"company_name":'Value',"first_name":'Value',"last_name":'Value',"address1":'Value',"address2":'Value',"city":'Value',"state_or_province":'Value',"zip_code":'Value',"country":'Value',"email":'Value',"phone":'Value',"spending_limit":'Value',"funding_type":'Value',"maintenance_fee_frequency":'Value',"maintenance_fee_amount":'Value',"maintenance_fee_day":'Value',"maintenance_fee_month":'Value',"per_subscriber_platform_fee":'Value',"restricted_access":'Value',"reload_via_card":'Value',"status":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.patch("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123723">
  <cloud_account id="474" cloud_account_number="1819543527" account_type="VAR"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123723"
    "cloud_account": {
        "@attributes": {
            "id": "474",
            "cloud_account_number": "1819543527",
            "account_type": "VAR"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the CloudAccount/Edit service using the API simulator.


Delete a account under your control. This operation is not reversable.


cloud_account_type required
The type of account you wish to delete (CORE; VAR; PARTNER; AFFILIATE).

cloud_account_number required
The 10 digit account number of the cloud account your deleting.

DELETE /API/{format}/CloudAccount/
Curl Request Example
curl -X DELETE ""
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123724">
  <cloud_account id="473" cloud_account_number="9261376490" account_type="VAR"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('cloud_account_type' => "",'cloud_account_number' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('CloudAccount/Delete','DELETE',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"cloud_account_type":'Value',"cloud_account_number":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.delete("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123724">
  <cloud_account id="473" cloud_account_number="9261376490" account_type="VAR"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123724"
    "cloud_account": {
        "@attributes": {
            "id": "473",
            "cloud_account_number": "9261376490",
            "account_type": "VAR"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the CloudAccount/Delete service using the API simulator.


Create a new customer account.


company optional

first_name required

last_name required

address required

unit_type optional
Required if providing a unit_number. Examples include APT or SUITE. unit_number

zip_code required

email required

phone required

password required
Eight numeric digits

DL optional

SSN optional

country optional
Leave blank to default to United States

CITY optional
Required for international addresses only.

STATE optional
Required for international addresses only.

customfield_1 optional
Optional custom value for your records.

customfield_2 optional
Optional custom value for your records.

POST /API/{format}/Customer/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "company=Value&first_name=Value&last_name=Value&address=Value&unit_type=Value&zip_code=Value&email=Value&phone=Value&password=Value&DL=Value&SSN=Value&country=Value&CITY=Value&STATE=Value&customfield_1=Value&customfield_2=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123489">
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('company' => "",'first_name' => "",'last_name' => "",'address' => "",'unit_type' => "",'zip_code' => "",'email' => "",'phone' => "",'password' => "",'DL' => "",'SSN' => "",'country' => "",'CITY' => "",'STATE' => "",'customfield_1' => "",'customfield_2' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Customer/Create','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"company":'Value',"first_name":'Value',"last_name":'Value',"address":'Value',"unit_type":'Value',"zip_code":'Value',"email":'Value',"phone":'Value',"password":'Value',"DL":'Value',"SSN":'Value',"country":'Value',"CITY":'Value',"STATE":'Value',"customfield_1":'Value',"customfield_2":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123489">
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123489"
    "customer": {
        "account_number": "88515144"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Customer/Create service using the API simulator.


Edit an existing customer account.


account_number required
The account number you wish to edit.

company optional

first_name required

last_name required

address required

unit_type optional
Required if providing a unit_number. Examples include APT or SUITE. unit_number

zip_code required

email required

phone required

password required
Eight numeric digits

DL optional

SSN optional

country optional
Leave blank to default to United States

CITY optional
Required for international addresses only.

STATE optional
Required for international addresses only.

customfield_1 optional
Optional custom value for your records.

customfield_2 optional
Optional custom value for your records.

PATCH /API/{format}/Customer/
Curl Request Example
curl -X PATCH -d "account_number=Value&company=Value&first_name=Value&last_name=Value&address=Value&unit_type=Value&zip_code=Value&email=Value&phone=Value&password=Value&DL=Value&SSN=Value&country=Value&CITY=Value&STATE=Value&customfield_1=Value&customfield_2=Value"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123489">
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('account_number' => "",'company' => "",'first_name' => "",'last_name' => "",'address' => "",'unit_type' => "",'zip_code' => "",'email' => "",'phone' => "",'password' => "",'DL' => "",'SSN' => "",'country' => "",'CITY' => "",'STATE' => "",'customfield_1' => "",'customfield_2' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Customer/Edit','PATCH',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"account_number":'Value',"company":'Value',"first_name":'Value',"last_name":'Value',"address":'Value',"unit_type":'Value',"zip_code":'Value',"email":'Value',"phone":'Value',"password":'Value',"DL":'Value',"SSN":'Value',"country":'Value',"CITY":'Value',"STATE":'Value',"customfield_1":'Value',"customfield_2":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.patch("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123489">
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123489"
    "customer": {
        "account_number": "88515144"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Customer/Edit service using the API simulator.


Delete an existing customer account. Accounts with orders can't be deleted.


account_number required
The account number you wish to delete.

DELETE /API/{format}/Customer/
Curl Request Example
curl -X DELETE ""
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123489">
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('account_number' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Customer/Delete','DELETE',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"account_number":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.delete("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123489">
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123489"
    "account_number": "8565441",
    "status": "2"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Customer/Delete service using the API simulator.


Used to determine which services are available for provisioning on a specific customer account. For certain services this API "qualifies" based on the address on the account (such as wireless or cable internet). The returned results can then be used to place an order using the Customer/Order service.


account_number required
The customer account number.

Required when qualify_type is REPLENISH or product_type is ADD-ON

qualify_type optional
Either 'NEW' for new orders or 'REPLENISH' (shows products only from the product group of the order)

product_type required
The type of products you wish to show. Empty shows all. Options are TRADITIONAL and ADD-ON.

VAR1 optional
Provide the value of VAR1 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR2 optional
Provide the value of VAR2 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR3 optional
Provide the value of VAR3 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR4 optional
Provide the value of VAR4 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR5 optional
Provide the value of VAR5 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR6 optional
Provide the value of VAR6 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR7 optional
Provide the value of VAR7 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR8 optional
Provide the value of VAR8 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR9 optional
Provide the value of VAR9 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR10 optional
Provide the value of VAR10 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR11 optional
Provide the value of VAR11 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR12 optional
Provide the value of VAR12 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR13 optional
Provide the value of VAR13 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR14 optional
Provide the value of VAR14 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR15 optional
Provide the value of VAR15 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR16 optional
Provide the value of VAR16 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR17 optional
Provide the value of VAR17 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR18 optional
Provide the value of VAR18 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR19 optional
Provide the value of VAR19 to post it to any real-time option URL's

VAR20 optional
Provide the value of VAR20 to post it to any real-time option URL's

GET /API/{format}/Customer/
Curl Request Example
curl -X GET ""
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <customer account_number="9105012">
      <COREProduct id="337">
Use this add-on to add 1GB of data ($8 cash value) to the cash balance for subscribers on the By the Gig plan.
        <GROUP id="73">GSMA Network</GROUP>
        <VAR1 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="Enter the IMEI from the GSM device." SWAPABLE="Y" PROMPT="Y" CATEGORY="Device Information">IMEI</VAR1>
        <VAR2 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="The ICCID or number from the SIM card." SWAPABLE="Y" PROMPT="Y" CATEGORY="Device Information">ICCID</VAR2>
        <VAR3 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="The subscribers mobile device number." SWAPABLE="N" PROMPT="N" CATEGORY="Mobile Number">MDN</VAR3>
        <VAR4 TYPE="OPTIONS" OPTIONS="YES,NO" DESCRIPTION="Select YES if porting an existing number." SWAPABLE="N" PROMPT="Y" CATEGORY="Porting Information">Number_Port</VAR4>
        <VAR5 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="The customers account number with the previous provider." SWAPABLE="Y" PROMPT="Y" CATEGORY="Porting Information">Account_Number</VAR5>
        <VAR6 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="The PIN or password with the previous provider." SWAPABLE="Y" PROMPT="Y" CATEGORY="Porting Information">PIN_or_Password</VAR6>
        <VAR7 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="Required when porting from a postpaid accounts only." SWAPABLE="Y" PROMPT="Y" CATEGORY="Porting Information">SSN_or_Tax_ID</VAR7>
        <VAR8 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="Enter the 10 digit mobile number you wish to port." SWAPABLE="N" PROMPT="Y" CATEGORY="Porting Information">Number_to_Port</VAR8>
        <VAR9 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="Minutes utilized on the current plan." SWAPABLE="N" PROMPT="N" CATEGORY="Usage Information">MINUTES_USAGE</VAR9>
        <VAR10 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="SMS utilized on the current plan." SWAPABLE="N" PROMPT="N" CATEGORY="Usage Information">SMS_USAGE</VAR10>
        <VAR11 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="Data utilized on the current plan." SWAPABLE="N" PROMPT="N" CATEGORY="Usage Information">DATA_USAGE</VAR11>
        <VAR12 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="Cash remaining on the account for extra services." SWAPABLE="N" PROMPT="N" CATEGORY="Usage Information">CASH_BALANCE</VAR12>
        <VAR13 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="Activation ID from the HEG wireless API" SWAPABLE="N" PROMPT="N" CATEGORY="Account Information">ACTIVATION_ID</VAR13>
        <VAR15 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="The status code of the number port." SWAPABLE="N" PROMPT="N" CATEGORY="Porting Information">PORT_STATUS</VAR15>
        <VARProduct id="52808">
          <DESCRIPTION>$8 of cash value or 1GB of data.</DESCRIPTION>
          <NAME>YourBrand PowerPack</NAME>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('account_number' => "",'ORDER_NUMBER' => "",'qualify_type' => "",'product_type' => "",'VAR1' => "",'VAR2' => "",'VAR3' => "",'VAR4' => "",'VAR5' => "",'VAR6' => "",'VAR7' => "",'VAR8' => "",'VAR9' => "",'VAR10' => "",'VAR11' => "",'VAR12' => "",'VAR13' => "",'VAR14' => "",'VAR15' => "",'VAR16' => "",'VAR17' => "",'VAR18' => "",'VAR19' => "",'VAR20' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Customer/Qualify','GET',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"account_number":'Value',"ORDER_NUMBER":'Value',"qualify_type":'Value',"product_type":'Value',"VAR1":'Value',"VAR2":'Value',"VAR3":'Value',"VAR4":'Value',"VAR5":'Value',"VAR6":'Value',"VAR7":'Value',"VAR8":'Value',"VAR9":'Value',"VAR10":'Value',"VAR11":'Value',"VAR12":'Value',"VAR13":'Value',"VAR14":'Value',"VAR15":'Value',"VAR16":'Value',"VAR17":'Value',"VAR18":'Value',"VAR19":'Value',"VAR20":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.get("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <customer account_number="9105012">
      <COREProduct id="337">
Use this add-on to add 1GB of data ($8 cash value) to the cash balance for subscribers on the By the Gig plan.
        <GROUP id="73">GSMA Network</GROUP>
        <VAR1 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="Enter the IMEI from the GSM device." SWAPABLE="Y" PROMPT="Y" CATEGORY="Device Information">IMEI</VAR1>
        <VAR2 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="The ICCID or number from the SIM card." SWAPABLE="Y" PROMPT="Y" CATEGORY="Device Information">ICCID</VAR2>
        <VAR3 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="The subscribers mobile device number." SWAPABLE="N" PROMPT="N" CATEGORY="Mobile Number">MDN</VAR3>
        <VAR4 TYPE="OPTIONS" OPTIONS="YES,NO" DESCRIPTION="Select YES if porting an existing number." SWAPABLE="N" PROMPT="Y" CATEGORY="Porting Information">Number_Port</VAR4>
        <VAR5 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="The customers account number with the previous provider." SWAPABLE="Y" PROMPT="Y" CATEGORY="Porting Information">Account_Number</VAR5>
        <VAR6 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="The PIN or password with the previous provider." SWAPABLE="Y" PROMPT="Y" CATEGORY="Porting Information">PIN_or_Password</VAR6>
        <VAR7 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="Required when porting from a postpaid accounts only." SWAPABLE="Y" PROMPT="Y" CATEGORY="Porting Information">SSN_or_Tax_ID</VAR7>
        <VAR8 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="Enter the 10 digit mobile number you wish to port." SWAPABLE="N" PROMPT="Y" CATEGORY="Porting Information">Number_to_Port</VAR8>
        <VAR9 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="Minutes utilized on the current plan." SWAPABLE="N" PROMPT="N" CATEGORY="Usage Information">MINUTES_USAGE</VAR9>
        <VAR10 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="SMS utilized on the current plan." SWAPABLE="N" PROMPT="N" CATEGORY="Usage Information">SMS_USAGE</VAR10>
        <VAR11 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="Data utilized on the current plan." SWAPABLE="N" PROMPT="N" CATEGORY="Usage Information">DATA_USAGE</VAR11>
        <VAR12 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="Cash remaining on the account for extra services." SWAPABLE="N" PROMPT="N" CATEGORY="Usage Information">CASH_BALANCE</VAR12>
        <VAR13 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="Activation ID from the HEG wireless API" SWAPABLE="N" PROMPT="N" CATEGORY="Account Information">ACTIVATION_ID</VAR13>
        <VAR15 TYPE="TEXT" OPTIONS="" DESCRIPTION="The status code of the number port." SWAPABLE="N" PROMPT="N" CATEGORY="Porting Information">PORT_STATUS</VAR15>
        <VARProduct id="52808">
          <DESCRIPTION>$8 of cash value or 1GB of data.</DESCRIPTION>
          <NAME>YourBrand PowerPack</NAME>
    "customer": {
        "@attributes": {
            "account_number": "9105012"
        "qualify": {
            "COREProduct": {
                "@attributes": {
                    "id": "337"
                "REPLENISH_GROUP": "73",
                "NAME": "POWER PACK - 1GB OF DATA",
                "TYPE": "ADD-ON",
                "DESCRIPTION": "\nUse this add-on to add 1GB of data ($8 cash value) to the cash balance for subscribers on the By the Gig plan.\n",
                "SETUP_PRICE": "0.00",
                "PRICE": "8.00",
                "EXPIRATION_DAYS": "WITH PLAN",
                "STATUS": "1",
                "GROUP": "GSMA Network",
                "PROMPT_FOR_VARIABLES": "N",
                "REPLENISH_WITH_PLAN": "N",
                "VAR1": "IMEI",
                "VAR2": "ICCID",
                "VAR3": "MDN",
                "VAR4": "Number_Port",
                "VAR5": "Account_Number",
                "VAR6": "PIN_or_Password",
                "VAR7": "SSN_or_Tax_ID",
                "VAR8": "Number_to_Port",
                "VAR9": "MINUTES_USAGE",
                "VAR10": "SMS_USAGE",
                "VAR11": "DATA_USAGE",
                "VAR12": "CASH_BALANCE",
                "VAR13": "ACTIVATION_ID",
                "VAR14": "SUBSCRIBER_ID",
                "VAR15": "PORT_STATUS",
                "VARProduct": {
                    "@attributes": {
                        "id": "52808"
                    "STATUS": "1",
                    "SETUP_PRICE": "0.00",
                    "PRICE": "8.00",
                    "DESCRIPTION": "$8 of cash value or 1GB of data.",
                    "NAME": "YourBrand PowerPack",
                    "VARID": "1992093776",
                    "PRODUCTID": "337"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Customer/Qualify service using the API simulator.


Returns a billing estimate when provided a specific customer account number and VAR service plan ID. Information returned includes estimated balance and the orders expiration date.


estimate_type required
Options are 'NEW' for new orders or 'REPLENISH' for replinishments.

account_number required
The customers account number

rate_plan_id required
The VAR rate_plan_id

promo_code optional
To include a promotional code in the estimate provide the promo_code value.

GET /API/{format}/Customer/
Curl Request Example
curl -X GET ""
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <customer account_number="7105045">
      <plan rate_plan_id="52747" product_id="330"/>
        <promo promo_code="20off">12.35</promo>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('estimate_type' => "",'account_number' => "",'rate_plan_id' => "",'promo_code' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Customer/Estimate','GET',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"estimate_type":'Value',"account_number":'Value',"rate_plan_id":'Value',"promo_code":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.get("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <customer account_number="7105045">
      <plan rate_plan_id="52747" product_id="330"/>
        <promo promo_code="20off">12.35</promo>
    "customer": {
        "@attributes": {
            "account_number": "7105045"
        "estimate": {
            "plan": {
                "@attributes": {
                    "rate_plan_id": "52747",
                    "product_id": "330"
            "customer": {
                "setup_price": "0.00",
                "recurring_price": "25.00",
                "promo": "12.35",
                "total": "12.65",
                "cycle_length": "30",
                "expiration_date": "8\/15\/2019"
            "client": {
                "setup_price": "0.00",
                "recurring_price": "20.00",
                "total": "20.00",
                "balance": "657.00",
                "end_balance": "637.00"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Customer/Estimate service using the API simulator.


Enter a new notation on a customer account.


account_number required

order_number optional

subject required

content required

POST /API/{format}/Customer/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "account_number=Value&order_number=Value&subject=Value&content=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123489">
  <customer account_number="7105045">
    <notation id="152">
      <subject>Checking New API</subject>
      <content><![CDATA[Does the new API work?]]></content>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('account_number' => "",'order_number' => "",'subject' => "",'content' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Customer/Notation','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"account_number":'Value',"order_number":'Value',"subject":'Value',"content":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123489">
  <customer account_number="7105045">
    <notation id="152">
      <subject>Checking New API</subject>
      <content><![CDATA[Does the new API work?]]></content>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123489"
    "customer": {
        "@attributes": {
            "account_number": "7105045"
        "notation": {
            "@attributes": {
                "id": "152"
            "subject": "Checking New API",
            "content": {}

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Customer/Notation service using the API simulator.


Issue or deduct a credit to/from a customer account. Credits are automatically utilized on the the next transaction, such as a new order or replenishent. NOTE: Credit will only be deducted when using a payment method on the customers account.


account_number required
The customers account number you wish to credit or debit from the credit.

type required
'DEBIT' and 'CREDIT' are valid options

amount required
The amount you wish to debit or credit in full dollar format; such as 10.50

POST /API/{format}/Customer/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "account_number=Value&type=Value&amount=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123832">
  <customer account_number="41055910">
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('account_number' => "",'type' => "",'amount' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Customer/Credit','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"account_number":'Value',"type":'Value',"amount":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123832">
  <customer account_number="41055910">
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123832"
    "customer": {
        "@attributes": {
            "account_number": "41055910"
        "credit": {
            "type": "CREDIT",
            "amount": "$10.00",
            "credit_available": "$10.00"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Customer/Credit service using the API simulator.


Assign product discounts to a Cloud account under your control.


cloud_account_type required
The type of account you wish to create discounts for (CORE; VAR; PARTNER; AFFILIATE).

cloud_account_number required
The 10 digit account number of the cloud account your editing

product_id required
The core product_id or the VAR rate plan ID; can be optained using the Product/Search service.

discount_setup_price required
The discount setup price you would like this Cloud account to pay. Should be full dollar formatted; for example; 1.00

discount_price required
The discount recurring price you would like this Cloud account to pay. Should be full dollar formatted; for example; 1.00.

POST /API/{format}/Discount/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "cloud_account_type=Value&cloud_account_number=Value&product_id=Value&discount_setup_price=Value&discount_price=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <discount id="30574">
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('cloud_account_type' => "",'cloud_account_number' => "",'product_id' => "",'discount_setup_price' => "",'discount_price' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Discount/Create','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"cloud_account_type":'Value',"cloud_account_number":'Value',"product_id":'Value',"discount_setup_price":'Value',"discount_price":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <discount id="30574">
    "discount": {
        "@attributes": {
            "id": "30574"
        "product_id": "311",
        "discount_setup_price": "30.00",
        "discount_price": "2.00"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Discount/Create service using the API simulator.


Assign product discounts to a Cloud account under your control by copying the discounts from another Cloud account under your control.


cloud_account_type required
The type of account you wish to create discounts for (CORE; VAR; PARTNER; AFFILIATE).

cloud_account_number required
The 10 digit account number of the cloud account your editing

from_cloud_account_type required
The type of account you wish to copy discounts from (CORE; VAR; PARTNER; AFFILIATE).

from_cloud_account_number required
The 10 digit account number of the cloud account your copying the discounts from.

replace required
Provide a "Y" to delete all existing discounts and replace them.

POST /API/{format}/Discount/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "cloud_account_type=Value&cloud_account_number=Value&from_cloud_account_type=Value&from_cloud_account_number=Value&replace=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123763"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('cloud_account_type' => "",'cloud_account_number' => "",'from_cloud_account_type' => "",'from_cloud_account_number' => "",'replace' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Discount/Copy','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"cloud_account_type":'Value',"cloud_account_number":'Value',"from_cloud_account_type":'Value',"from_cloud_account_number":'Value',"replace":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123763"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123763"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Discount/Copy service using the API simulator.


Delete all product discounts associated with a Cloud account under your control.


cloud_account_type required
The type of account you wish to create discounts for (CORE; VAR; PARTNER; AFFILIATE).

cloud_account_number required
The 10 digit account number of the cloud account your editing.

DELTE /API/{format}/Discount/
Curl Request Example
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123778"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('cloud_account_type' => "",'cloud_account_number' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Discount/Delete','DELTE',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"cloud_account_type":'Value',"cloud_account_number":'Value',"from_cloud_account_type":'Value',"from_cloud_account_number":'Value',"replace":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123778"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123778"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Discount/Delete service using the API simulator.


Setup a new payment gatway by providing the payment gateway credentials.


gateway required
The name of the payment gateway you wish to setup

credentials_1 required
The credentials for the payment gatway as described in the 'PaymentGateways/Search' method.

credentials_2 optional
The credentials for the payment gatway as described in the 'PaymentGateways/Search' method.

credentials_3 optional
The credentials for the payment gatway as described in the 'PaymentGateways/Search' method.

credentials_4 optional
The credentials for the payment gatway as described in the 'PaymentGateways/Search' method.

POST /API/{format}/Gateways/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "gateway=Value&credentials_1=Value&credentials_2=Value&credentials_3=Value&credentials_4=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3130130">
  <gateway gateway_id="732232"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('gateway' => "",'credentials_1' => "",'credentials_2' => "",'credentials_3' => "",'credentials_4' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Gateways/Create','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"gateway":'Value',"credentials_1":'Value',"credentials_2":'Value',"credentials_3":'Value',"credentials_4":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3130130">
  <gateway gateway_id="732232"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3130130"
    "gateway": {
        "@attributes": {
            "gateway_id": "732232"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Gateways/Create service using the API simulator.


Delete a previously created payment gateway.


gateway_id required
The 'gateway_id' of the gateway you wish to delete.

DELETE /API/{format}/Gateways/
Curl Request Example
curl -X DELETE ""
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3130133">
  <gateway gateway_id="1"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('gateway_id' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Gateways/Delete','DELETE',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"gateway_id":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.delete("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3130133">
  <gateway gateway_id="1"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3130133"
    "gateway": {
        "@attributes": {
            "gateway_id": "1"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Gateways/Delete service using the API simulator.


Update the credentials on a payment gateway and set a payment gateway as default on your cloud account so it can be utilized for real time billing.


gateway_id required
The 'gateway_id' of the gateway you wish to delete.

default_cc_gateway optional
Provide a 'Y' to set the gateway as the default for credit card billing or an 'N' to remove it as default.

default_ach_gateway optional
Provide a 'Y' to set the gatway as the default for ACH billing or an 'N' to remove it as default.

credentials_1 required
The credentials for the payment gatway as described in the 'PaymentGateways/Search' method.

credentials_2 optional
The credentials for the payment gatway as described in the 'PaymentGateways/Search' method.

credentials_3 optional
The credentials for the payment gatway as described in the 'PaymentGateways/Search' method.

credentials_4 optional
The credentials for the payment gatway as described in the 'PaymentGateways/Search' method.

PATCH /API/{format}/Gateways/
Curl Request Example
curl -X PATCH -d "gateway_id=Value&default_cc_gateway=Value&default_ach_gateway=Value&credentials_1=Value&credentials_2=Value&credentials_3=Value&credentials_4=Value"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3130152">
  <gateway gateway_id="8433434" default_cc_gateway="Y" default_ach_gateway="Y"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('gateway_id' => "",'default_cc_gateway' => "",'default_ach_gateway' => "",'credentials_1' => "",'credentials_2' => "",'credentials_3' => "",'credentials_4' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Gateways/Edit','PATCH',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"gateway_id":'Value',"default_cc_gateway":'Value',"default_ach_gateway":'Value',"credentials_1":'Value',"credentials_2":'Value',"credentials_3":'Value',"credentials_4":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.patch("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3130152">
  <gateway gateway_id="8433434" default_cc_gateway="Y" default_ach_gateway="Y"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3130152"
    "gateway": {
        "@attributes": {
            "gateway_id": "8433434",
            "default_cc_gateway": "Y",
            "default_ach_gateway": "Y"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Gateways/Edit service using the API simulator.


Create a module for real-time processing for a product group. Both external and prebuilt modules are supported.


type required
Either 'external' or 'prebuilt'.

name required
A name for the real-time module to help you recognize it.

description required
A description of the module for future reference.

url optional
[EXTERNAL MODULE] Required for external modules. The full url to the location of your module file.

provider optional
[PREBUILT MODULE] Required if using a prebuilt module. Provide the name of a supported provider; for example 'att_mobility'.

CRED_1 optional
[PREBUILT MODULE] This parameter will correspond to specific authentication credentials depending on the 'provider'.

CRED_2 optional
[PREBUILT MODULE] This parameter will correspond to specific authentication credentials depending on the 'provider'.

CRED_3 optional
[PREBUILT MODULE] This parameter will correspond to specific authentication credentials depending on the 'provider'.

CRED_4 optional
[PREBUILT MODULE] This parameter will correspond to specific authentication credentials depending on the 'provider'.

status required
The status of your module. Options are either 1 for active or 2 for suspended.

POST /API/{format}/Module/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "type=Value&name=Value&description=Value&url=Value&provider=Value&CRED_1=Value&CRED_2=Value&CRED_3=Value&CRED_4=Value&status=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="4404915">
  <module module_id="7" type="prebuilt"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('type' => "",'name' => "",'description' => "",'url' => "",'provider' => "",'CRED_1' => "",'CRED_2' => "",'CRED_3' => "",'CRED_4' => "",'status' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Module/Create','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"type":'Value',"name":'Value',"description":'Value',"url":'Value',"provider":'Value',"CRED_1":'Value',"CRED_2":'Value',"CRED_3":'Value',"CRED_4":'Value',"status":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="4404915">
  <module module_id="7" type="prebuilt"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "4404915"
    "module": {
        "@attributes": {
            "module_id": "7",
            "type": "prebuilt"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Module/Create service using the API simulator.


Edit and make changes to an existing module.


module_id required
The module_id of the real time module you wish to edit.

name required
A name for the real-time module.

description required
A description of the module for future reference.

url required
The full url to the location of your module file.

status required
The status of your module. Options are either 1 for active or 2 for suspended.

PATCH /API/{format}/Module/
Curl Request Example
curl -X PATCH -d "module_id=Value&name=Value&description=Value&url=Value&status=Value"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123887">
  <module module_id="32"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('module_id' => "",'name' => "",'description' => "",'url' => "",'status' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Module/Edit','PATCH',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"module_id":'Value',"name":'Value',"description":'Value',"url":'Value',"status":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.patch("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123887">
  <module module_id="32"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123887"
    "module": {
        "@attributes": {
            "module_id": "32"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Module/Edit service using the API simulator.


Delete an existing module. NOTE: Deleting a module will prevent it from being utilized in previously assigned product groups.


module_id required
The module_id of the real time module you wish to delete.

DELETE /API/{format}/Module/
Curl Request Example
curl -X DELETE ""
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123893">
  <module module_id="8"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('module_id' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Module/Delete','DELETE',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"module_id":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.delete("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123893">
  <module module_id="8"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123893"
    "module": {
        "@attributes": {
            "module_id": "8"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Module/Delete service using the API simulator.


Create a new notification type.


event required
The type of event you wish to setup notifications for.

Acceptable values are:

notify_customer required
If the customer should receive a customer notification for the event (only applies to events where a customer account is associated). Y or N are acceptable values.

html required
The html content of the notification

html_customer optional
The html content of the notification sent to the customer (required when 'notify_customer' is Y).

from_email required
The e-mail address the notification should be sent from.

POST /API/{format}/Notifications/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "event=Value¬ify_customer=Value&html=Value&html_customer=Value&from_email=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3129380" notify_customer="Y">
  <notification notification_id="7">
    <html_customer><![CDATA[<p><html>Customer Stuff</html></p>]]></html_customer>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('event' => "",'notify_customer' => "",'html' => "",'html_customer' => "",'from_email' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Notifications/Create','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"event":'Value',"notify_customer":'Value',"html":'Value',"html_customer":'Value',"from_email":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3129380" notify_customer="Y">
  <notification notification_id="7">
    <html_customer><![CDATA[<p><html>Customer Stuff</html></p>]]></html_customer>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3129380",
        "notify_customer": "Y"
    "notification": {
        "@attributes": {
            "notification_id": "7"
        "event": "Order\/Create",
        "from_email": "",
        "html": {},
        "html_customer": {}

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Notifications/Create service using the API simulator.


Make chages to a previously created notification.


notification_id required
The ID of the notification you wish to edit.

event required
The type of event you wish to setup notifications for. Acceptable values are 'CloudAccount/Create' or 'Ticket/Create' or 'Ticket/Reply' or 'Order/Create' or 'Order/Replenish' or 'Order/Cancel' or 'Order/Reminder'

notify_customer required
If the customer should receive a customer notification for the event (only applies to events where a customer account is associated). Y or N are acceptable values.

html required
The html content of the notification.

html_customer optional
The html content of the notification sent to the customer (required when 'notify_customer' is Y).

from_email required
The e-mail address the notification should be sent from.

PATCH /API/{format}/Notifications/
Curl Request Example
curl -X PATCH -d "notification_id=Value&event=Value¬ify_customer=Value&html=Value&html_customer=Value&from_email=Value"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3129383">
  <notification notification_id="" notify_customer="Y">
    <html><![CDATA[<p><html>New Client HTML</html></p>]]></html>
    <html_customer><![CDATA[<p><html>New Customer HTML</html></p>]]></html_customer>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('notification_id' => "",'event' => "",'notify_customer' => "",'html' => "",'html_customer' => "",'from_email' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Notifications/Edit','PATCH',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"notification_id":'Value',"event":'Value',"notify_customer":'Value',"html":'Value',"html_customer":'Value',"from_email":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.patch("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3129383">
  <notification notification_id="" notify_customer="Y">
    <html><![CDATA[<p><html>New Client HTML</html></p>]]></html>
    <html_customer><![CDATA[<p><html>New Customer HTML</html></p>]]></html_customer>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3129383"
    "notification": {
        "@attributes": {
            "notification_id": "",
            "notify_customer": "Y"
        "event": "Order\/Create",
        "from_email": "",
        "html": {},
        "html_customer": {}

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Notifications/Edit service using the API simulator.


Delete a notification.


notification_id required
The notification_id of the notification you wish to delete.

DELETE /API/{format}/Notifications/
Curl Request Example
curl -X DELETE ""
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3129072">
  <notification notification_id="181871"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('notification_id' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Notifications/Delete','DELETE',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"notification_id":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.delete("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3129072">
  <notification notification_id="181871"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3129072"
    "notification": {
        "@attributes": {
            "notification_id": "181871"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Notifications/Delete service using the API simulator.


Get the original template for a specific event notification.


event optional
The name of the event you wish to view the template for.

GET /API/{format}/Notifications/
Curl Request Example
curl -X GET ""
<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <notification_template template_id="6">
      <event customer_notification_available="Y">Ticket/Reply</event>
      <cloud_notification_status>NOT READY</cloud_notification_status>
      <customer_notification_status>NOT READY</customer_notification_status>
    <notification_template template_id="5">
      <event customer_notification_available="Y">Order/Cancel</event>
      <cloud_notification_status>NOT READY</cloud_notification_status>
      <customer_notification_status>NOT READY</customer_notification_status>
    <notification_template template_id="4">
      <event customer_notification_available="Y">Order/Replenish</event>
      <cloud_notification_status>NOT READY</cloud_notification_status>
      <customer_notification_status>NOT READY</customer_notification_status>
    <notification_template template_id="3">
      <event customer_notification_available="Y">Order/Create</event>
    <notification_template template_id="2">
      <event customer_notification_available="N">CloudAccount/Create</event>
      <cloud_notification_status>NOT READY</cloud_notification_status>
      <customer_notification_status>NOT READY</customer_notification_status>
    <notification_template template_id="1">
      <event customer_notification_available="Y">Ticket/Create</event>
      <cloud_notification_status>NOT READY</cloud_notification_status>
      <customer_notification_status>NOT READY</customer_notification_status>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('event' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Notifications/SearchTemplate','GET',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"event":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.get("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <notification_template template_id="6">
      <event customer_notification_available="Y">Ticket/Reply</event>
      <cloud_notification_status>NOT READY</cloud_notification_status>
      <customer_notification_status>NOT READY</customer_notification_status>
    <notification_template template_id="5">
      <event customer_notification_available="Y">Order/Cancel</event>
      <cloud_notification_status>NOT READY</cloud_notification_status>
      <customer_notification_status>NOT READY</customer_notification_status>
    <notification_template template_id="4">
      <event customer_notification_available="Y">Order/Replenish</event>
      <cloud_notification_status>NOT READY</cloud_notification_status>
      <customer_notification_status>NOT READY</customer_notification_status>
    <notification_template template_id="3">
      <event customer_notification_available="Y">Order/Create</event>
    <notification_template template_id="2">
      <event customer_notification_available="N">CloudAccount/Create</event>
      <cloud_notification_status>NOT READY</cloud_notification_status>
      <customer_notification_status>NOT READY</customer_notification_status>
    <notification_template template_id="1">
      <event customer_notification_available="Y">Ticket/Create</event>
      <cloud_notification_status>NOT READY</cloud_notification_status>
      <customer_notification_status>NOT READY</customer_notification_status>
    "templates": {
        "notification_template": [
                "@attributes": {
                    "template_id": "6"
                "event": "Ticket\/Reply",
                "cloud_notification_status": "NOT READY",
                "customer_notification_status": "NOT READY"
                "@attributes": {
                    "template_id": "5"
                "event": "Order\/Cancel",
                "cloud_notification_status": "NOT READY",
                "customer_notification_status": "NOT READY"
                "@attributes": {
                    "template_id": "4"
                "event": "Order\/Replenish",
                "cloud_notification_status": "NOT READY",
                "customer_notification_status": "NOT READY"
                "@attributes": {
                    "template_id": "3"
                "event": "Order\/Create",
                "cloud_notification_status": "READY",
                "customer_notification_status": "READY"
                "@attributes": {
                    "template_id": "2"
                "event": "CloudAccount\/Create",
                "cloud_notification_status": "NOT READY",
                "customer_notification_status": "NOT READY"
                "@attributes": {
                    "template_id": "1"
                "event": "Ticket\/Create",
                "cloud_notification_status": "NOT READY",
                "customer_notification_status": "NOT READY"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Notifications/SearchTemplate service using the API simulator.


Create and provision a new order on a customer account. Depending on the module the order status may return as ACTIVE or PENDING. You can use the trans_id or the order_number to check the status of the order.

If a product has attached usage components the 'attached_components' parameter will need to be passed in json format.

Example 'attached_components' format:


account_number required
The customer account number for which you are placing the order

productid_var required
The VAR rate plan ID

payment_method_id optional
To charge the customers credit card for this order provide the payment_method_id

parent_order_number optional
Required when placing an order for a add-on product only.

referral_code optional
The referral code of the refferring customer if supplied.

promo_code optional
Provide a promotional code to give the customer a discount on the order.

attached_components optional
A json list of the components to attached and (if applicable) their max value set by the VAR. This field is required when a product has attached components.

VAR1 optional
The value of VAR1 if any.

VAR2 optional
The value of VAR2 if any.

VAR3 optional
The value of VAR3 if any.

VAR4 optional
The value of VAR4 if any.

VAR5 optional
The value of VAR5 if any.

VAR6 optional
The value of VAR6 if any.

VAR7 optional
The value of VAR7 if any.

VAR8 optional
The value of VAR8 if any.

VAR9 optional
The value of VAR9 if any.

VAR10 optional
The value of VAR10 if any.

VAR11 optional
The value of VAR11 if any.

VAR12 optional
The value of VAR12 if any.

VAR13 optional
The value of VAR13 if any.

VAR14 optional
The value of VAR14 if any.

VAR15 optional
The value of VAR15 if any.

VAR16 optional
The value of VAR16 if any.

VAR17 optional
The value of VAR17 if any.

VAR18 optional
The value of VAR18 if any.

VAR19 optional
The value of VAR19 if any.

VAR20 optional
The value of VAR20 if any.

POST /API/{format}/Order/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "account_number=Value&productid_var=Value&payment_method_id=Value&parent_order_number=Value&referral_code=Value&promo_code=Value&attached_components=Value&VAR1=Value&VAR2=Value&VAR3=Value&VAR4=Value&VAR5=Value&VAR6=Value&VAR7=Value&VAR8=Value&VAR9=Value&VAR10=Value&VAR11=Value&VAR12=Value&VAR13=Value&VAR14=Value&VAR15=Value&VAR16=Value&VAR17=Value&VAR18=Value&VAR19=Value&VAR20=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <order order_number="4617ZU4617">
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('account_number' => "",'productid_var' => "",'payment_method_id' => "",'parent_order_number' => "",'referral_code' => "",'promo_code' => "",'attached_components' => "",'VAR1' => "",'VAR2' => "",'VAR3' => "",'VAR4' => "",'VAR5' => "",'VAR6' => "",'VAR7' => "",'VAR8' => "",'VAR9' => "",'VAR10' => "",'VAR11' => "",'VAR12' => "",'VAR13' => "",'VAR14' => "",'VAR15' => "",'VAR16' => "",'VAR17' => "",'VAR18' => "",'VAR19' => "",'VAR20' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Order/Create','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"account_number":'Value',"productid_var":'Value',"payment_method_id":'Value',"parent_order_number":'Value',"referral_code":'Value',"promo_code":'Value',"attached_components":'Value',"VAR1":'Value',"VAR2":'Value',"VAR3":'Value',"VAR4":'Value',"VAR5":'Value',"VAR6":'Value',"VAR7":'Value',"VAR8":'Value',"VAR9":'Value',"VAR10":'Value',"VAR11":'Value',"VAR12":'Value',"VAR13":'Value',"VAR14":'Value',"VAR15":'Value',"VAR16":'Value',"VAR17":'Value',"VAR18":'Value',"VAR19":'Value',"VAR20":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <order order_number="4617ZU4617">
    "order": {
        "@attributes": {
            "order_number": "4617ZU4617"
        "status": "PENDING"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Order/Create service using the API simulator.


Toggle the service status of an existing order. Orders in ACTIVE status will be SUSPENDED and orders in SUSPENDED status will be made ACTIVE.


account_number required
The customer account number.

order_number required
The order number you wish to toggle the service status of.

PATCH /API/{format}/Order/
Curl Request Example
curl -X PATCH -d "account_number=Value&order_number=Value"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="5472">
  <order order_number="GBT83432HH">
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('account_number' => "",'order_number' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Order/Status','PATCH',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"account_number":'Value',"order_number":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.patch("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="5472">
  <order order_number="GBT83432HH">
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "5472"
    "order": {
        "@attributes": {
            "order_number": "GBT83432HH"
        "status": "SUSPENDED"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Order/Status service using the API simulator.


Move an existing order to the specified customer account.


order_number required
The order number you wish to move

account_number required
The account number where the order you wish to move exist.

new_account_number required
The account number where you wish to move the order.

PATCH /API/{format}/Order/
Curl Request Example
curl -X PATCH -d "order_number=Value&account_number=Value&new_account_number=Value"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="5472">
  <order order_number="GBT83432HH">
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('order_number' => "",'account_number' => "",'new_account_number' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Order/Move','PATCH',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"order_number":'Value',"account_number":'Value',"new_account_number":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.patch("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="5472">
  <order order_number="GBT83432HH">
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "5472"
    "order": {
        "@attributes": {
            "order_number": "GBT83432HH"
        "new_account_number": "9505011"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Order/Move service using the API simulator.


Cancel an existing order. NOTE: This action can only be reversed by a CORE and could possibly cancel services that can't be un-cancelled.


account_number required
The account number of the order you wish to cancel.

order_number required
The order number you wish to cancel.

PATCH /API/{format}/Order/
Curl Request Example
curl -X PATCH -d "account_number=Value&order_number=Value"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="5472">
  <order order_number="GBT83432HH">
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('account_number' => "",'order_number' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Order/Cancel','PATCH',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"account_number":'Value',"order_number":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.patch("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="5472">
  <order order_number="GBT83432HH">
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "5472"
    "order": {
        "@attributes": {
            "order_number": "GBT83432HH"
        "status": "CANCELLED"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Order/Cancel service using the API simulator.


Change or swap the value of one or more swappable variables on an order.


account_number required
The account number where the order is located.

order_number required
The order number.

VAR1 optional
The value of VAR1

VAR2 optional
The value of VAR2

VAR3 optional
The value of VAR3

VAR4 optional
The value of VAR4

VAR5 optional
The value of VAR5

VAR6 optional
The value of VAR6

VAR7 optional
The value of VAR7

VAR8 optional
The value of VAR8

VAR9 optional
The value of VAR9

VAR10 optional
The value of VAR10

VAR11 optional
The value of VAR11

VAR12 optional
The value of VAR12

VAR13 optional
The value of VAR13

VAR14 optional
The value of VAR14

VAR15 optional
The value of VAR15

VAR16 optional
The value of VAR16

VAR17 optional
The value of VAR17

VAR18 optional
The value of VAR18

VAR19 optional
The value of VAR19

VAR20 optional
The value of VAR20

PATCH /API/{format}/Order/
Curl Request Example
curl -X PATCH -d "account_number=Value&order_number=Value&VAR1=Value&VAR2=Value&VAR3=Value&VAR4=Value&VAR5=Value&VAR6=Value&VAR7=Value&VAR8=Value&VAR9=Value&VAR10=Value&VAR11=Value&VAR12=Value&VAR13=Value&VAR14=Value&VAR15=Value&VAR16=Value&VAR17=Value&VAR18=Value&VAR19=Value&VAR20=Value"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="5472">
  <order order_number="GBT83432HH">
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('account_number' => "",'order_number' => "",'VAR1' => "",'VAR2' => "",'VAR3' => "",'VAR4' => "",'VAR5' => "",'VAR6' => "",'VAR7' => "",'VAR8' => "",'VAR9' => "",'VAR10' => "",'VAR11' => "",'VAR12' => "",'VAR13' => "",'VAR14' => "",'VAR15' => "",'VAR16' => "",'VAR17' => "",'VAR18' => "",'VAR19' => "",'VAR20' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Order/Swap','PATCH',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"account_number":'Value',"order_number":'Value',"VAR1":'Value',"VAR2":'Value',"VAR3":'Value',"VAR4":'Value',"VAR5":'Value',"VAR6":'Value',"VAR7":'Value',"VAR8":'Value',"VAR9":'Value',"VAR10":'Value',"VAR11":'Value',"VAR12":'Value',"VAR13":'Value',"VAR14":'Value',"VAR15":'Value',"VAR16":'Value',"VAR17":'Value',"VAR18":'Value',"VAR19":'Value',"VAR20":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.patch("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="5472">
  <order order_number="GBT83432HH">
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "5472"
    "order": {
        "@attributes": {
            "order_number": "GBT83432HH"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Order/Swap service using the API simulator.


Add an additional billing cycle to an active order.


account_number required
The customers account number where the order is located.

order_number required
The order number you wish to replenish.

productid_var required
The VAR rate plan ID.

payment_method_id optional
To charge the customers credit card for this replenishment provide the paymentmethod_id.

POST /API/{format}/Order/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "account_number=Value&order_number=Value&productid_var=Value&payment_method_id=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123677">
  <order order_number="GBTU732673F">
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('account_number' => "",'order_number' => "",'productid_var' => "",'payment_method_id' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Order/Replenish','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"account_number":'Value',"order_number":'Value',"productid_var":'Value',"payment_method_id":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123677">
  <order order_number="GBTU732673F">
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123677"
    "order": {
        "@attributes": {
            "order_number": "GBTU732673F"
        "expiration_date": "6\/11\/2019"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Order/Replenish service using the API simulator.


Update the status, exipration date, and variables on an order. Orders in "PENDING" status that are changed to "CANCELLED" will result in a refund of all charges. Only passed variables are updated.


account_number required
The customers account number where the order is located.

order_number required
The order number you wish to update.

service_status optional
Can be either ACTIVE; SUSPENDED; NON-PAY; FAILED; or CANCELLED. Pending orders marked as Failed will automatically be refunded.

cycle_end_date optional
The new cycle end date if you wish to update it. Proper format is M/D/YYYY

error_text optional
If setting a PENDING order as FAILED the error returned can be stored here and will be shown on the original 'Order/Create' transaction.

VAR1 optional
The value of VAR1

VAR2 optional
The value of VAR2

VAR3 optional
The value of VAR3

VAR4 optional
The value of VAR4

VAR5 optional
The value of VAR5

VAR6 optional
The value of VAR6

VAR7 optional
The value of VAR7

VAR8 optional
The value of VAR8

VAR9 optional
The value of VAR9

VAR10 optional
The value of VAR10

VAR11 optional
The value of VAR11

VAR12 optional
The value of VAR12

VAR13 optional
The value of VAR13

VAR14 optional
The value of VAR14

VAR15 optional
The value of VAR15

VAR16 optional
The value of VAR16

VAR17 optional
The value of VAR17

VAR18 optional
The value of VAR18

VAR19 optional
The value of VAR19

VAR20 optional
The value of VAR20

PATCH /API/{format}/Order/
Curl Request Example
curl -X PATCH -d "account_number=Value&order_number=Value&service_status=Value&cycle_end_date=Value&error_text=Value&VAR1=Value&VAR2=Value&VAR3=Value&VAR4=Value&VAR5=Value&VAR6=Value&VAR7=Value&VAR8=Value&VAR9=Value&VAR10=Value&VAR11=Value&VAR12=Value&VAR13=Value&VAR14=Value&VAR15=Value&VAR16=Value&VAR17=Value&VAR18=Value&VAR19=Value&VAR20=Value"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123688">
  <order order_number="GBT8214789"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('account_number' => "",'order_number' => "",'service_status' => "",'cycle_end_date' => "",'error_text' => "",'VAR1' => "",'VAR2' => "",'VAR3' => "",'VAR4' => "",'VAR5' => "",'VAR6' => "",'VAR7' => "",'VAR8' => "",'VAR9' => "",'VAR10' => "",'VAR11' => "",'VAR12' => "",'VAR13' => "",'VAR14' => "",'VAR15' => "",'VAR16' => "",'VAR17' => "",'VAR18' => "",'VAR19' => "",'VAR20' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Order/Update','PATCH',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"account_number":'Value',"order_number":'Value',"service_status":'Value',"cycle_end_date":'Value',"error_text":'Value',"VAR1":'Value',"VAR2":'Value',"VAR3":'Value',"VAR4":'Value',"VAR5":'Value',"VAR6":'Value',"VAR7":'Value',"VAR8":'Value',"VAR9":'Value',"VAR10":'Value',"VAR11":'Value',"VAR12":'Value',"VAR13":'Value',"VAR14":'Value',"VAR15":'Value',"VAR16":'Value',"VAR17":'Value',"VAR18":'Value',"VAR19":'Value',"VAR20":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.patch("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123688">
  <order order_number="GBT8214789"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123688"
    "order": {
        "@attributes": {
            "order_number": "GBT8214789"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Order/Update service using the API simulator.


Instantly apply a stacked plan and make it active.


account_number required
The account number the order is on.

order_number required
The order number you wish to unstack a plan on.

stacked_plan_id required
The ID of the stacked plan you wish to unstack.

POST /API/{format}/Order/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "account_number=Value&order_number=Value&stacked_plan_id=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('account_number' => "",'order_number' => "",'stacked_plan_id' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Order/Unstack','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"account_number":'Value',"order_number":'Value',"stacked_plan_id":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Order/Unstack service using the API simulator.


Use this service to report usage for a product component on an active order.


account_number required
The account number the order is on.

component_id required
The component associated with the usage you're reporting.

order_number required
The order number you are reporting usage for.

units required
The amount of units of usage you're reporting.

expression_type required
Choices are 'additive' ('units' are added to the existing 'unit' total) and 'cumulative' ('units' is the entirety of the unit total).

POST /API/{format}/Order/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "account_number=Value&component_id=Value&order_number=Value&units=Value&expression_type=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="4182009">
  <order order_number="5401FBZ5401">
      <component component_id="8417871">
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('account_number' => "",'component_id' => "",'order_number' => "",'units' => "",'expression_type' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Order/ReportUsage','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"account_number":'Value',"component_id":'Value',"order_number":'Value',"units":'Value',"expression_type":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="4182009">
  <order order_number="5401FBZ5401">
      <component component_id="8417871">
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "4182009"
    "order": {
        "@attributes": {
            "order_number": "5401FBZ5401"
        "ProductComponents": {
            "component": {
                "@attributes": {
                    "component_id": "8417871"
                "old_value": "1014",
                "new_value": "1514",
                "unit_price": "0.0030",
                "total": "1.5"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Order/ReportUsage service using the API simulator.


Add a new payment method either to a customer account or a VAR, PARTNER, AFFILIATE, or CORE account. To add a payment method to a customer account provide the 'account_number' parameter. Payment methods added to cloud accounts will require verification and two micro debits will be attempted, use 'PaymentMethod/Verify' to verify the debit amounts.

NOTE: Bank accounts must be added from the portal using the instant verification system.


account_number optional
Provide only if adding a payment method to a customer account.

type required
Options are CC for credit card and BA for bank account.

payment_account_number required
The credit card or bank account number.

routing_number optional
When type is BA provide the bank routing number.

account_type optional
For BA only. Personal Checking: Personal Savings: Business Checking: and Business Savings are options.

expiration_month optional
When type is CC provide the card expiration month with leading zero. For example: 02

expiration_year optional
When type is CC provide the card two digit expiration year.

card_security_code optional
When type is CC provide the three or four digit card security code or CVV default

plaid_account_id optional
The account_id as provided by Plaid for bank accounts only.

plaid_access_token optional
The access_tokeb as provided by Plaid for bank accounts only.

plaid_item_id optional
The item_id as provided by Plaid for bank accounts only.

POST /API/{format}/PaymentMethod/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "account_number=Value&type=Value&payment_account_number=Value&routing_number=Value&account_type=Value&expiration_month=Value&expiration_year=Value&card_security_code=Value&plaid_account_id=Value&plaid_access_token=Value&plaid_item_id=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123489">
  <paymentmethod id="120"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('account_number' => "",'type' => "",'payment_account_number' => "",'routing_number' => "",'account_type' => "",'expiration_month' => "",'expiration_year' => "",'card_security_code' => "",'plaid_account_id' => "",'plaid_access_token' => "",'plaid_item_id' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('PaymentMethod/Create','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"account_number":'Value',"type":'Value',"payment_account_number":'Value',"routing_number":'Value',"account_type":'Value',"expiration_month":'Value',"expiration_year":'Value',"card_security_code":'Value',"plaid_account_id":'Value',"plaid_access_token":'Value',"plaid_item_id":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123489">
  <paymentmethod id="120"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123489"
    "paymentmethod": {
        "@attributes": {
            "id": "120"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the PaymentMethod/Create service using the API simulator.


Toggle a payment method between default and not default. Default payment methods are used for recurring billing when setup in the superior cloud account.


payment_method_id required
The ID of the payment method; returned as the 'id' attribute from PaymentMethod/Create

account_number optional
If setting default payment method for a customer account provide account_number

type required
Either CC for credit card or BA for bank account.

PATCH /API/{format}/PaymentMethod/
Curl Request Example
curl -X PATCH -d "payment_method_id=Value&account_number=Value&type=Value"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123506">
  <paymentmethod id="481" default="Y"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('payment_method_id' => "",'account_number' => "",'type' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('PaymentMethod/Edit','PATCH',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"payment_method_id":'Value',"account_number":'Value',"type":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.patch("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123506">
  <paymentmethod id="481" default="Y"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123506"
    "account_number": "7105045",
    "paymentmethod": {
        "@attributes": {
            "id": "481",
            "default": "Y"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the PaymentMethod/Edit service using the API simulator.


Delete a payment method connected to a customer account. NOTE: Cloud account payment methods can not be deleted at this time.


payment_method_id required
The ID of the payment method; returned as the 'id' attribute from PaymentMethod/Create

account_number required
The account number for which the payment method is connected.

type required
Either CC for credit card or BA for bank account.

DELETE /API/{format}/PaymentMethod/
Curl Request Example
curl -X DELETE ""
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123509">
  <paymentmethod id="481"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('payment_method_id' => "",'account_number' => "",'type' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('PaymentMethod/Delete','DELETE',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"payment_method_id":'Value',"account_number":'Value',"type":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.delete("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123509">
  <paymentmethod id="481"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123509"
    "account_number": "7105045",
    "paymentmethod": {
        "@attributes": {
            "id": "481"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the PaymentMethod/Delete service using the API simulator.


Verify the micro debit amounts associated with a payment method. Micro debits are only submitted and verification is only required for payment methods connected to a Cloud account, customer accounts have no verification flow. Note that the micro debit amounts may be entered in any order. The payment method will automatically be set as the default for the associated cloud account.


payment_method_id required
The ID of the payment method; returned as 'id' in PaymentMethod/Create

type required
Either CC for credit card or BA for bank account

micro_amount_1 required
The amount of the first micro debit

micro_amount_2 required
The amount of the second micro debit

POST /API/{format}/PaymentMethod/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "payment_method_id=Value&type=Valueµ_amount_1=Valueµ_amount_2=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="2384387">
  <paymentmethod id="34"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('payment_method_id' => "",'type' => "",'micro_amount_1' => "",'micro_amount_2' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('PaymentMethod/Verify','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"payment_method_id":'Value',"type":'Value',"micro_amount_1":'Value',"micro_amount_2":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="2384387">
  <paymentmethod id="34"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "2384387"
    "paymentmethod": {
        "@attributes": {
            "id": "34"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the PaymentMethod/Verify service using the API simulator.


For VAR accounts this method creates a rate plan based on a product. For CORE users this method creates a new product.


product_id optional
VAR ONLY: The product_id of the CORE rate plan. Required for the creation of VAR rate plans.

name required
The name of the product; should be 10 characters or more.

description required
The description of the rate plan; should be 10 characters or more.

recurring_price required
The recurring price of the rate plan in full dollar amount; 10.50 for example.

setup_price required
The setup proce of the rate plan in full dollar amount; 35.50 for example

autopay_discount optional
The discount in dollar amounts for customers utilizing auto-pay.

status required
The status of the rate plan; must be either 1-ACTIVE or 2-LOCKED. VAR accounts can also set status to 4-REPLENISH ONLY

product_group_id optional
CORE ONLY: The product group you wish to associate the plan with

cycle_days optional
CORE ONLY: The amount of days on the cycle; 30 for example.

product_type optional
CORE ONLY: The type of product. Should be one of TRADITIONAL or ADD-ON.

prompt_for_variables optional
CORE ONLY: If variables are required when this product is ordered; Y or N.

replenish_with_plan optional
CORE ONLY: For Add-On plans only; if the product should be replenished with the primary product; Y or N.

carrier_product_id optional
CORE Only: The plan name; ID; or code to provision with the carrier or service provider. This value is passed to the module.

attached_components optional
CORE ONLY: Link a product component to the product by providing a comma seperated list of component_id's.

POST /API/{format}/Plan/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "product_id=Value&name=Value&description=Value&recurring_price=Value&setup_price=Value&autopay_discount=Value&status=Value&product_group_id=Value&cycle_days=Value&product_type=Value&prompt_for_variables=Value&replenish_with_plan=Value&carrier_product_id=Value&attached_components=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- VAR Example, for CORE example see Plan/Edit -->
<telecloud trans_id="3123808">
  <plan rate_plan_id="98814">
    <name>Test Rate Plan</name>
    <description>For hotspot and data only devices. No voice.</description>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('product_id' => "",'name' => "",'description' => "",'recurring_price' => "",'setup_price' => "",'autopay_discount' => "",'status' => "",'product_group_id' => "",'cycle_days' => "",'product_type' => "",'prompt_for_variables' => "",'replenish_with_plan' => "",'carrier_product_id' => "",'attached_components' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Plan/Create','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"product_id":'Value',"name":'Value',"description":'Value',"recurring_price":'Value',"setup_price":'Value',"autopay_discount":'Value',"status":'Value',"product_group_id":'Value',"cycle_days":'Value',"product_type":'Value',"prompt_for_variables":'Value',"replenish_with_plan":'Value',"carrier_product_id":'Value',"attached_components":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- VAR Example, for CORE example see Plan/Edit -->
<telecloud trans_id="3123808">
  <plan rate_plan_id="98814">
    <name>Test Rate Plan</name>
    <description>For hotspot and data only devices. No voice.</description>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123808"
    "plan": {
        "@attributes": {
            "rate_plan_id": "98814"
        "name": "Test Rate Plan",
        "description": "For hotspot and data only devices. No voice.",
        "recurring_price": "$10.00",
        "setup_price": "$25.00",
        "status": "1"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Plan/Create service using the API simulator.


Edit an existing rate plan.


product_id optional
CORE ONLY: The product_id of the CORE rate plan you wish to edit.

rate_plan_id optional
VAR ONLY: The rate_plan_id of the rate plan you wish to edit.

name required
The name of the product; should be 10 characters or more.

description required
The description of the rate plan; should be 10 characters or more.

recurring_price required
The recurring price of the rate plan in full dollar amount; 10.50 for example.

setup_price required
The setup proce of the rate plan in full dollar amount; 35.50 for example

autopay_discount optional
The discount in dollar amounts for customers utilizing auto-pay.

component_limits optional
VAR ONLY: JSON list of component id's and their associated limits (see example above).

status required
The status of the rate plan; must be either 1-ACTIVE; 2-LOCKED; or 4-REPLENISH ONLY.

cycle_days optional
CORE ONLY: The amount of days on the cycle; 30 for example.

prompt_for_variables optional
CORE ONLY: If variables are required when this product is ordered; Y or N.

replenish_with_plan optional
CORE ONLY: For Add-On plans only; if the product should be replenished with the primary product; Y or N.

carrier_product_id optional
CORE Only: The plan name; ID; or code to provision with the carrier or service provider. This value is passed to the module.

attached_components optional
CORE or ONLY: Link a product component to the product by providing a comma seperated list of component_id's. If you're a VAR setting the maximum on a usage componenent it should be provided in JSON format. For example: [{"component_id":"60637ae24511"

"maximum":"5"}] optional

PATCH /API/{format}/Plan/
Curl Request Example
curl -X PATCH -d "product_id=Value&rate_plan_id=Value&name=Value&description=Value&recurring_price=Value&setup_price=Value&autopay_discount=Value&component_limits=Value&status=Value&cycle_days=Value&prompt_for_variables=Value&replenish_with_plan=Value&carrier_product_id=Value&attached_components=Value&"maximum":"5"}]=Value"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- CORE Example, for VAR example see Plan/Create -->
<telecloud trans_id="3123820">
  <product product_id="108" product_group_id="26" carrier_product_id="VZW-15GB-UNLTT" product_type="TRADITIONAL">
    <name>Comcast Residential 16x3 Dynamic IP</name>
    <description>Test desscription for editing a plan.</description>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('product_id' => "",'rate_plan_id' => "",'name' => "",'description' => "",'recurring_price' => "",'setup_price' => "",'autopay_discount' => "",'component_limits' => "",'status' => "",'cycle_days' => "",'prompt_for_variables' => "",'replenish_with_plan' => "",'carrier_product_id' => "",'attached_components' => "",'"maximum":"5"}]' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Plan/Edit','PATCH',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"product_id":'Value',"rate_plan_id":'Value',"name":'Value',"description":'Value',"recurring_price":'Value',"setup_price":'Value',"autopay_discount":'Value',"component_limits":'Value',"status":'Value',"cycle_days":'Value',"prompt_for_variables":'Value',"replenish_with_plan":'Value',"carrier_product_id":'Value',"attached_components":'Value',""maximum":"5"}]":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.patch("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- CORE Example, for VAR example see Plan/Create -->
<telecloud trans_id="3123820">
  <product product_id="108" product_group_id="26" carrier_product_id="VZW-15GB-UNLTT" product_type="TRADITIONAL">
    <name>Comcast Residential 16x3 Dynamic IP</name>
    <description>Test desscription for editing a plan.</description>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123820"
    "product": {
        "@attributes": {
            "product_id": "108",
            "product_group_id": "26",
            "carrier_product_id": "VZW-15GB-UNLTT",
            "product_type": "TRADITIONAL"
        "name": "Comcast Residential 16x3 Dynamic IP",
        "description": "Test desscription for editing a plan.",
        "recurring_price": "$10.00",
        "setup_price": "$20.00",
        "cycle_length": "25",
        "prompt_for_variables": "Y",
        "replenish_with_plan": "Y",
        "status": "1"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Plan/Edit service using the API simulator.


Deletes a CORE product or VAR rate plan. This action wont affect orders already utilizing the plan, upon replenishment a new plan will need to be selected. This action cant be reversed.


product_id optional
CORE ONLY: The product_id of the CORE rate plan you wish to delete.

rate_plan_id optional
VAR ONLY: The rate_plan_id of the rate plan you wish to delete.

DELETE /API/{format}/Plan/
Curl Request Example
curl -X DELETE ""
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123829">
  <plan rate_plan_id="52562">
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('product_id' => "",'rate_plan_id' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Plan/Delete','DELETE',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"product_id":'Value',"rate_plan_id":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.delete("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123829">
  <plan rate_plan_id="52562">
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123829"
    "plan": {
        "@attributes": {
            "rate_plan_id": "52562"
        "status": "3"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Plan/Delete service using the API simulator.


Create a new product group. Variables should be seperated by hashes and formatted as follows:
Variable Name|Prompt for new orders? Either Y or N|Type of input. Either 'TEXT' or 'OPTIONS'|If input is options a comma seperated list OR XML URL.|A short description of the variable.|Y or N if the variable is swappable.|The category for the variable.


name required
The name of the new product group

description optional
A descrtion of the product group for your reference.

moduleid_order optional
The ID of the module to call for new orders.

moduleid_replenish optional
The ID of the module to call for replenishments.

moduleid_status optional
The ID of the module to call for order status changes.

moduleid_swap optional
The ID of the module to call when variables are swapped on an order.

moduleid_cancel optional
The ID of the module to call when orders are cancelled.

VAR1 optional
The value of variable 1 in the proper variable format.

VAR2 optional
The value of variable 2 in the proper variable format.

VAR3 optional
The value of variable 3 in the proper variable format.

VAR4 optional
The value of variable 4 in the proper variable format.

VAR5 optional
The value of variable 5 in the proper variable format.

VAR6 optional
The value of variable 6 in the proper variable format.

VAR7 optional
The value of variable 7 in the proper variable format.

VAR8 optional
The value of variable 8 in the proper variable format.

VAR9 optional
The value of variable 9 in the proper variable format.

VAR10 optional
The value of variable 10 in the proper variable format.

VAR11 optional
The value of variable 11 in the proper variable format.

VAR12 optional
The value of variable 12 in the proper variable format.

VAR13 optional
The value of variable 13 in the proper variable format.

VAR14 optional
The value of variable 14 in the proper variable format.

VAR15 optional
The value of variable 15 in the proper variable format.

VAR16 optional
The value of variable 16 in the proper variable format.

VAR17 optional
The value of variable 17 in the proper variable format.

VAR18 optional
The value of variable 18 in the proper variable format.

VAR19 optional
The value of variable 19 in the proper variable format.

VAR20 optional
The value of variable 20 in the proper variable format.

POST /API/{format}/ProductGroup/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "name=Value&description=Value&moduleid_order=Value&moduleid_replenish=Value&moduleid_status=Value&moduleid_swap=Value&moduleid_cancel=Value&VAR1=Value&VAR2=Value&VAR3=Value&VAR4=Value&VAR5=Value&VAR6=Value&VAR7=Value&VAR8=Value&VAR9=Value&VAR10=Value&VAR11=Value&VAR12=Value&VAR13=Value&VAR14=Value&VAR15=Value&VAR16=Value&VAR17=Value&VAR18=Value&VAR19=Value&VAR20=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123869">
  <productgroup product_group_id="75"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('name' => "",'description' => "",'moduleid_order' => "",'moduleid_replenish' => "",'moduleid_status' => "",'moduleid_swap' => "",'moduleid_cancel' => "",'VAR1' => "",'VAR2' => "",'VAR3' => "",'VAR4' => "",'VAR5' => "",'VAR6' => "",'VAR7' => "",'VAR8' => "",'VAR9' => "",'VAR10' => "",'VAR11' => "",'VAR12' => "",'VAR13' => "",'VAR14' => "",'VAR15' => "",'VAR16' => "",'VAR17' => "",'VAR18' => "",'VAR19' => "",'VAR20' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('ProductGroup/Create','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"name":'Value',"description":'Value',"moduleid_order":'Value',"moduleid_replenish":'Value',"moduleid_status":'Value',"moduleid_swap":'Value',"moduleid_cancel":'Value',"VAR1":'Value',"VAR2":'Value',"VAR3":'Value',"VAR4":'Value',"VAR5":'Value',"VAR6":'Value',"VAR7":'Value',"VAR8":'Value',"VAR9":'Value',"VAR10":'Value',"VAR11":'Value',"VAR12":'Value',"VAR13":'Value',"VAR14":'Value',"VAR15":'Value',"VAR16":'Value',"VAR17":'Value',"VAR18":'Value',"VAR19":'Value',"VAR20":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123869">
  <productgroup product_group_id="75"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123869"
    "productgroup": {
        "@attributes": {
            "product_group_id": "75"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the ProductGroup/Create service using the API simulator.


Edit and make changes to an existing product group.


product_group_id required
The ID of the product group you wish to edit.

name optional
The name of the new product group

description optional
A descrtion of the product group for your reference.

moduleid_order optional
The ID of the module to call for new orders.

moduleid_replenish optional
The ID of the module to call for replenishments.

moduleid_status optional
The ID of the module to call for order status changes.

moduleid_swap optional
The ID of the module to call when variables are swapped on an order.

moduleid_cancel optional
The ID of the module to call when orders are cancelled.

VAR1 optional
The value of variable 1 in the proper variable format.

VAR2 optional
The value of variable 2 in the proper variable format.

VAR3 optional
The value of variable 3 in the proper variable format.

VAR4 optional
The value of variable 4 in the proper variable format.

VAR5 optional
The value of variable 5 in the proper variable format.

VAR6 optional
The value of variable 6 in the proper variable format.

VAR7 optional
The value of variable 7 in the proper variable format.

VAR8 optional
The value of variable 8 in the proper variable format.

VAR9 optional
The value of variable 9 in the proper variable format.

VAR10 optional
The value of variable 10 in the proper variable format.

VAR11 optional
The value of variable 11 in the proper variable format.

VAR12 optional
The value of variable 12 in the proper variable format.

VAR13 optional
The value of variable 13 in the proper variable format.

VAR14 optional
The value of variable 14 in the proper variable format.

VAR15 optional
The value of variable 15 in the proper variable format.

VAR16 optional
The value of variable 16 in the proper variable format.

VAR17 optional
The value of variable 17 in the proper variable format.

VAR18 optional
The value of variable 18 in the proper variable format.

VAR19 optional
The value of variable 19 in the proper variable format.

VAR20 optional
The value of variable 20 in the proper variable format.

status required
Either 1 for unlocked or 2 for locked.

PATCH /API/{format}/ProductGroup/
Curl Request Example
curl -X PATCH -d "product_group_id=Value&name=Value&description=Value&moduleid_order=Value&moduleid_replenish=Value&moduleid_status=Value&moduleid_swap=Value&moduleid_cancel=Value&VAR1=Value&VAR2=Value&VAR3=Value&VAR4=Value&VAR5=Value&VAR6=Value&VAR7=Value&VAR8=Value&VAR9=Value&VAR10=Value&VAR11=Value&VAR12=Value&VAR13=Value&VAR14=Value&VAR15=Value&VAR16=Value&VAR17=Value&VAR18=Value&VAR19=Value&VAR20=Value&status=Value"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123999">
  <productgroup product_group_id="75"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('product_group_id' => "",'name' => "",'description' => "",'moduleid_order' => "",'moduleid_replenish' => "",'moduleid_status' => "",'moduleid_swap' => "",'moduleid_cancel' => "",'VAR1' => "",'VAR2' => "",'VAR3' => "",'VAR4' => "",'VAR5' => "",'VAR6' => "",'VAR7' => "",'VAR8' => "",'VAR9' => "",'VAR10' => "",'VAR11' => "",'VAR12' => "",'VAR13' => "",'VAR14' => "",'VAR15' => "",'VAR16' => "",'VAR17' => "",'VAR18' => "",'VAR19' => "",'VAR20' => "",'status' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('ProductGroup/Edit','PATCH',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"product_group_id":'Value',"name":'Value',"description":'Value',"moduleid_order":'Value',"moduleid_replenish":'Value',"moduleid_status":'Value',"moduleid_swap":'Value',"moduleid_cancel":'Value',"VAR1":'Value',"VAR2":'Value',"VAR3":'Value',"VAR4":'Value',"VAR5":'Value',"VAR6":'Value',"VAR7":'Value',"VAR8":'Value',"VAR9":'Value',"VAR10":'Value',"VAR11":'Value',"VAR12":'Value',"VAR13":'Value',"VAR14":'Value',"VAR15":'Value',"VAR16":'Value',"VAR17":'Value',"VAR18":'Value',"VAR19":'Value',"VAR20":'Value',"status":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.patch("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123999">
  <productgroup product_group_id="75"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123999"
    "productgroup": {
        "@attributes": {
            "product_group_id": "75"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the ProductGroup/Edit service using the API simulator.


Create a promo code for your customers.


promo_code required
The promotion code you wish to use.

value required
The value of the promo code in full dollar amounts.

expiration_date required
The day the promo code should become no longer valid.

rate_plan_id optional
Provide a rate_plan_id to associate this promo code with a specific rate plan.

POST /API/{format}/Promo/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "promo_code=Value&value=Value&expiration_date=Value&rate_plan_id=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3124120">
  <promo promo_id="5547"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('promo_code' => "",'value' => "",'expiration_date' => "",'rate_plan_id' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Promo/Create','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"promo_code":'Value',"value":'Value',"expiration_date":'Value',"rate_plan_id":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3124120">
  <promo promo_id="5547"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3124120"
    "promo": {
        "@attributes": {
            "promo_id": "5547"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Promo/Create service using the API simulator.


Delete a promo code.


promo_code required
The promotion code you wish to delete.

DELETE /API/{format}/Promo/
Curl Request Example
curl -X DELETE ""
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3124151">
  <promo promo_id="10"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('promo_code' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Promo/Delete','DELETE',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"promo_code":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.delete("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3124151">
  <promo promo_id="10"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3124151"
    "promo": {
        "@attributes": {
            "promo_id": "10"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Promo/Delete service using the API simulator.


Creates a support ticket.
Tickets are considered opened by a customer when direction is set to "EXTERNAL-CUSTOMER", account_number must be provided.
Tickets are considered opened by a guest when "guest_email" is provided.
Tickets are considered opened by a staff member (the API user) when neither "guest_email" is provided and direction is not set to "EXTERNAL-CUSTOMER".


subject required
The subject of the ticket; 10 character minimum.

department required

message required
The original message or request of the support ticket.

direction required
Either INTERNAL; EXTERNAL; or EXTERNAL-CUSTOMER. Customers can view EXTERNAL tickets. EXTERNAL-CUSTOMER tickets are considered opened by the customer.

guest_email optional
If a customer or potential customer (GUEST) is opening the ticket provide their e-mail address.

account_number optional
Provide a customer account number to link the ticket to a customer account.

order_number optional
Provide a order number to link the ticket to a order number on the provided account_number.

cloud_account_type optional
Provide the type of cloud account to link the ticket to a cloud account under your control.

cloud_account_number optional
Provide the cloud account number to link the ticket to a cloud account under your control.

attachments optional
A comma seperated list of images you wish to attach to the ticket/reply. Must be the full url path to an image.

POST /API/{format}/Ticket/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "subject=Value&department=Value&message=Value&direction=Value&guest_email=Value&account_number=Value&order_number=Value&cloud_account_type=Value&cloud_account_number=Value&attachments=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123957">
  <ticket ticket_id="PBCM-91777"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('subject' => "",'department' => "",'message' => "",'direction' => "",'guest_email' => "",'account_number' => "",'order_number' => "",'cloud_account_type' => "",'cloud_account_number' => "",'attachments' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Ticket/Create','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"subject":'Value',"department":'Value',"message":'Value',"direction":'Value',"guest_email":'Value',"account_number":'Value',"order_number":'Value',"cloud_account_type":'Value',"cloud_account_number":'Value',"attachments":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123957">
  <ticket ticket_id="PBCM-91777"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123957"
    "ticket": {
        "@attributes": {
            "ticket_id": "PBCM-91777"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Ticket/Create service using the API simulator.


Post a reply to an existing support ticket. Similar rules apply to opening a support ticket. To post a reply as a customer pass the 'account_number' parameter.


ticket_id required
The ticket_id of the ticket you wish to post a reply on.

message required
The contents on your message or reply.

guest_email optional
If a customer or potential customer (GUEST) is opening the ticket provide their e-mail address.

account_number optional
Provide a customer account number to post the replay as the customer.

attachments optional
A comma seperated list of images you wish to attach to the ticket/reply. Must be the full url path to an image.

working optional
To place the ticket in a WORKING status provide a 'Y'.

POST /API/{format}/Ticket/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "ticket_id=Value&message=Value&guest_email=Value&account_number=Value&attachments=Value&working=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3124051">
  <ticket ticket_id="UWXCLP-96302"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('ticket_id' => "",'message' => "",'guest_email' => "",'account_number' => "",'attachments' => "",'working' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Ticket/Reply','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"ticket_id":'Value',"message":'Value',"guest_email":'Value',"account_number":'Value',"attachments":'Value',"working":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3124051">
  <ticket ticket_id="UWXCLP-96302"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3124051"
    "ticket": {
        "@attributes": {
            "ticket_id": "UWXCLP-96302"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Ticket/Reply service using the API simulator.


Change the status of a support ticket. Most status changes are automatic, this function allows you to change the ticket to either 'CLOSED' or 'ON-HOLD'.


ticket_id required
The ticket_id of the ticket you wish to change the status of.

new_status required
The new status of the ticket.

PATCH /API/{format}/Ticket/
Curl Request Example
curl -X PATCH -d "ticket_id=Value&new_status=Value"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3124157">
  <ticket ticket_id="MVEM-23948"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('ticket_id' => "",'new_status' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('Ticket/Edit','PATCH',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"ticket_id":'Value',"new_status":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.patch("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3124157">
  <ticket ticket_id="MVEM-23948"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3124157"
    "ticket": {
        "@attributes": {
            "ticket_id": "MVEM-23948"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the Ticket/Edit service using the API simulator.


Create a new component for a product.


product_group_id required
The Id of the product group the component will belong to.

name required
a name of your choosing for the product component.

description required
A description of of the product component that may be visible to VAR's and customers.

starting_quantity required
The starting quantity of the component. Billing will start after this quantity is reached. For no starting quantity provide a zero.

unit_price required
The price per unit. For example; if charging for minutes used you may set this as 0.01 or 0.0050.

reset_with_cycle required
If the unit count should be restarted on a specific order after replenishment. Valid values are 'N' and 'Y'.

var_sets_maximum required
If the VAR is allowed to set a maximum. Once this maximum is reached your status module 'moduleid_status' will be notified.

POST /API/{format}/UsageComponent/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "product_group_id=Value&name=Value&description=Value&starting_quantity=Value&unit_price=Value&reset_with_cycle=Value&var_sets_maximum=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<telecloud trans_id="4045394">
  <component component_id="8417875" product_group_id="73">
    <name>Third Component for Data</name>
    <description>This is the third data component for this product.</description>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('product_group_id' => "",'name' => "",'description' => "",'starting_quantity' => "",'unit_price' => "",'reset_with_cycle' => "",'var_sets_maximum' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('UsageComponent/Create','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"product_group_id":'Value',"name":'Value',"description":'Value',"starting_quantity":'Value',"unit_price":'Value',"reset_with_cycle":'Value',"var_sets_maximum":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<telecloud trans_id="4045394">
  <component component_id="8417875" product_group_id="73">
    <name>Third Component for Data</name>
    <description>This is the third data component for this product.</description>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "4045394"
    "component": {
        "@attributes": {
            "component_id": "8417875",
            "product_group_id": "73"
        "name": "Third Component for Data",
        "description": "This is the third data component for this product.",
        "starting_quantity": "150",
        "unit_price": "0.25",
        "reset_with_cycle": "Y",
        "var_sets_maximum": "Y",
        "status": "1"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the UsageComponent/Create service using the API simulator.


Update an existing product component.


component_id required
The id of the component you wish to edit.

name required
a name of your choosing for the product component.

description required
A description of of the product component that may be visible to VAR's and customers.

starting_quantity required
The starting quantity of the component. Billing will start after this quantity is reached. For no starting quantity provide a zero.

unit_price required
The price per unit. For example; if charging for minutes used you may set this as 0.01 or 0.0050.

reset_with_cycle required
If the unit count should be restarted on a specific order after replenishment. Valid values are 'N' and 'Y'.

var_sets_maximum required
If the VAR is allows to set a maximum. Once this maximum is reached your status module 'moduleid_status' will be notified.

status required
must be either 1-ACTIVE; 2-SUSPENDED. Suspended components will not be billed for.

PATCH /API/{format}/UsageComponent/
Curl Request Example
curl -X PATCH -d "component_id=Value&name=Value&description=Value&starting_quantity=Value&unit_price=Value&reset_with_cycle=Value&var_sets_maximum=Value&status=Value"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<telecloud trans_id="4045784">
  <component component_id="8417875" product_group_id="73">
    <name>Broadband Download Usage</name>
    <description>Listed in MB, the usage of the downloading for the current cycle. 100MB are included.</description>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('component_id' => "",'name' => "",'description' => "",'starting_quantity' => "",'unit_price' => "",'reset_with_cycle' => "",'var_sets_maximum' => "",'status' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('UsageComponent/Edit','PATCH',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"component_id":'Value',"name":'Value',"description":'Value',"starting_quantity":'Value',"unit_price":'Value',"reset_with_cycle":'Value',"var_sets_maximum":'Value',"status":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.patch("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<telecloud trans_id="4045784">
  <component component_id="8417875" product_group_id="73">
    <name>Broadband Download Usage</name>
    <description>Listed in MB, the usage of the downloading for the current cycle. 100MB are included.</description>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "4045784"
    "component": {
        "@attributes": {
            "component_id": "8417875",
            "product_group_id": "73"
        "name": "Broadband Download Usage",
        "description": "Listed in MB, the usage of the downloading for the current cycle. 100MB are included.",
        "starting_quantity": "100",
        "unit_price": "2.00",
        "reset_with_cycle": "Y",
        "var_sets_maximum": "N",
        "status": "1"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the UsageComponent/Edit service using the API simulator.


Delete a product component. VAR rate plans utilizing this component will no longer be billed for it.


component_id required
The 'component_id' you wish to delete.

DELETE /API/{format}/UsageComponent/
Curl Request Example
curl -X DELETE ""
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="4045790">
  <component component_id="8417871">
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('component_id' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('UsageComponent/Delete','DELETE',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"component_id":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.delete("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="4045790">
  <component component_id="8417871">
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "4045790"
    "component": {
        "@attributes": {
            "component_id": "8417871"
        "status": "3"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the UsageComponent/Delete service using the API simulator.


Create a new user under your Cloud account.


email required
The e-mail address of the user. The system will send the initial password to this address.

first_name required
The first name of the user

last_name required
The last name of the user

access_level required
The user access level. Options are ADMIN; STAFF; or SUPPORT.

POST /API/{format}/User/
Curl Request Example
curl -d "email=Value&first_name=Value&last_name=Value&access_level=Value" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123913">
  <user user_id="4717">
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('email' => "",'first_name' => "",'last_name' => "",'access_level' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('User/Create','POST',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"email":'Value',"first_name":'Value',"last_name":'Value',"access_level":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response ="", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123913">
  <user user_id="4717">
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123913"
    "user": {
        "@attributes": {
            "user_id": "4717"
        "username": "chris_westbrook2",
        "initial_password": "2ne6j"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the User/Create service using the API simulator.


Edit an existing user under your Cloud account.


user_id required
The user_id of the user you wish to edit.

first_name required
The first name of the user

last_name required
The last name of the user

email required
The email address of the user

access_level required
The user access level. Options are ADMIN; STAFF; or SUPPORT.

status required
The status of the user. 1 for active or 2 for locked.

profile_image_url optional
Provide a new url to a profile image. The image will be fetched and stored on the servers

PATCH /API/{format}/User/
Curl Request Example
curl -X PATCH -d "user_id=Value&first_name=Value&last_name=Value&email=Value&access_level=Value&status=Value&profile_image_url=Value"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123901">
  <user user_id="518"/>
PHP Request Example
require 'class.telecloud.php';
//API_ID_KEY,API_KEY,response_format (xml or json),return (clean = return object, leave blank to return raw)
$tc = new telecloud('','','xml','clean'); 
try { 
  $params = array('user_id' => "",'first_name' => "",'last_name' => "",'email' => "",'access_level' => "",'status' => "",'profile_image_url' => "");
  $response = $tc->request('User/Edit','PATCH',$params); 
} catch(Exception $e) { $error =  $e->getMessage(); echo "Error: $error"; }

Python Request Example
                                        import requests

        # Set up the API parameters
        parameters = {"user_id":'Value',"first_name":'Value',"last_name":'Value',"email":'Value',"access_level":'Value',"status":'Value',"profile_image_url":'Value'}

        # Make request
        response = requests.patch("", params=parameters)

        # Print the API response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<telecloud trans_id="3123901">
  <user user_id="518"/>
    "@attributes": {
        "trans_id": "3123901"
    "user": {
        "@attributes": {
            "user_id": "518"

API Simulator

Initiate a live call to the User/Edit service using the API simulator.