TeleCloud APP API Changelog

Updated on August 17th, 2023


Official changelog for the TeleCloud APP RESTful API

We actively try to avoid making any breaking changes to the API, because of this effort the changelog usually only serves as informative. If action is required on your behalf the "Action Required" field will indicate the action.

DateDescriptionAction Required
2023 Q3

As part of the ownership change to HTG and their decision to move all services to the Google Cloud Platform the API endpoint has changed from to

All API endpoints should be updated immediately.
2023 Q2

The system is undergoing a rebranding from TeleCloud to TeleCloud APP, no update is required at this time.

2020 Q1

All API request (excluding Search services) now return a 'trans_id'. The 'Transaction/Search' method can be used to review the transaction at a later date.

2020 Q1
The authentication method has changed, each cloud user now has a API_ID_KEY. The API_ID_KEY is used in conjunction with the cloud accounts API_KEY to access API functions.
2020 Q1

TeleCloud users will no longer authenticate with their email address, each user now has a unique user name. This allows the same email to be utilized across different brands hosted on the TeleCloud platform.

2020 Q1
The 'Customer/Estimate' service now gives the option of specifying if the estimate is for new orders or replenishments, therefore providing a more accurate estimate.
2020 Q1
Promo codes (ie. coupons) have been implemented for new orders and can be passed as 'promo_code' on 'Order/Create' and 'Customer/Estimate' methods. Promo codes can be managed with the 'Promo/' group of methods.
2020 Q1
Customer accounts now support 'credit' allowing VAR's to issue and deduct credit to/from customer accounts using the 'Customer/Credit' service. Available credit is utilized on new orders or replenishments as a discount.
2020 Q1
Support tickets now support image attachments. Attachments are passed as 'attachments' on 'Ticket/Create' and 'Ticket/Reply' services.
2020 Q1
Support tickets have new status descriptions, they are OPEN, ANSWERED, and CLOSED. Answered tickets automatically close in 72 hours, any reply will set the ticket as "OPEN" again.
2020 Q1
Guest (non-customer and non-staff) can now open and reply to external tickets, this allows the ticketing system to be used for potential customers (ie. sales) as well as current customers.
2020 Q1
Orders can now be moved from one customer account to another using the 'Order/Move' method.
2020 Q1
Credit or debits on a cloud account can now be reversed by the controlling cloud account using the 'Billing/Reverse' method.
2020 Q1
Prepaid cloud accounts (PARTNER, VAR, or AFFILIATE) can now add funds with credit card using the 'Billing/AddFunds' method.
2020 Q1
The 'PaymentMethod' service now handles the management of customer and cloud account payment methods. Providing 'account_number' indicates a payment method connected to a customer account.
2020 Q1
Payment method verification for cloud accounts has been simplified and now utilizes "micro debits". When a user adds a new credit card (PaymentMethod/Create) two small micro debits will be charged to the card, the micro debits can then be verified using the 'PaymentMethod/Verify' method making the card available for use.
2020 Q1
Payment history is now logged for customer payments using a credit card, history can be obtained using the 'PaymentMethod/Search' method and passing an 'account_number' and 'payment_method_id'.
2020 Q1
Customer accounts can now be deleted using the 'Customer/Delete' method.
2020 Q1
VAR rate plans can now be deleted using the 'Plan/Delete' method. Customers on the plan will need to select a new plan during replenishment.
2020 Q1
All minimum character limits (Example: Ticket subject, names, etc) have been evaluated and improved.
2020 Q1
 Customer accounts now have referral codes, these referral codes can be passed with new orders (Order/Create) as the 'referral_code" parameter.