TeleCloud RESTful API : Quick Start and Authentication

Updated on August 16th, 2023


Start here for help getting started with the TeleCloud API. Integrate with your existing systems and websites or build new user interface from scratch.
We're happy to introduce V4 of TeleCloud APP with an updated and modernized RESTful API. The latest API rebuild comes with major speed enhancements, new features, increased reliability, and continues to maintain the original vision of the telecom platform.

Learn : Authentication

In order to utilize the TeleCloud APP API you’ll need an API key, you can obtain the key in the TeleCloud APP web interface by clicking your profile icon in the upper right corner and choosing the "API Credentials" option. In addition to your API key you'll' need your API_ID_KEY, this unique identifier identifies you as a user on the TeleCloud platform but differs from your usern ame.

API_ID_KEY : Specific to your TeleCloud APP user name.
API_KEY : An API key specific to your account and account type (CORE, VAR).

Both the API_ID_KEY and the API_KEY are required for all request and are passed as part of the request (GET,POST,PATCH,DELETE, etc).

Learn : Errors & Exceptions

All errors are returned in the name-space accompanied by a description of the error. Errors on all API's except "Search" methods are recorded for future reference.

A full dollar amount must be supplied for the discount price.
The 'trans_id' is returned on all successful transactions and errors, use it to access the transactions details later using the 'Transaction/Search' service.